Thursday, January 14, 2016

Slimmer Bill and More Typing!

Bill has been slowly increasing his time on the wind trainer after work each day. He spent 52 minutes on it today and is starting to see muscle definition in his arms and legs. He's been continuing with his diet and has lost about 22 pounds total. I have lost 12 and have noticed that I can't eat as much as I used to (thank goodness! LOL!) Here is the slimmer, trimmer Bill!
Since the holidays are over and all the Christmas decorations are packed away, I pulled out my old journal to continue typing into my computer. Here is a picture of it, sometimes I'm amazed it survived this long.
I pulled up Word and searched for the 13 pages I had already typed.  The pages were gone! I thought, "No worries, I saved it to a disk..." I put the disk in and tried to open it. Well, that was blank too! Gremlins for sure. So I have started typing it again and have about 7 pages done so far. Good thing I'm starting early! I want to be able to type the whole thing and insert dates and pictures so I will have easy access to it when it comes time to add sections to the blog this summer. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for this trip. Thanks for reading!

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