Monday, December 28, 2015

Fear and Encouragement....

With all the stress of the holidays, I was overtired and that old fear about this trip came back full force. I had been too busy to read through my old journal and we had weathered some discouraging comments. It wasn't long before I was voicing my worries to Bill. Words were spoken back and forth and I had to admit that the fear was eating at me. Bill held me and encouraged me while I cried on his shirt. The next morning, I felt better and started scrolling through my newsfeed on Facebook. I came across a meme that stopped me in my tracks. It was a translation of Judges 18:5-6. "They said to him, “Please ask God if we are going to be successful on our trip.” The priest answered, “You have nothing to worry about. The Lord is taking care of you on this trip.” I had never subscribed to this site and had never seen anything from it before. It was if God were talking right to me.  I was amazed and thankful for the encouragement. A few days later, my daughter sent us a link to a funny segment by Joe McGee. After playing it and having a good laugh, I searched YouTube for more. I found another video and started it up. This one was an hour long and was a mind-blowing sermon! We talked for hours afterward and felt so encouraged. Here is the link to the one we listened to: Joe McGee....Prepare to have your mind blown! 
On another note, Bill received another gift from God on his last ride this past weekend......a brand new pair of Frogg Toggs rain his size of course! LOL!
So we are back to being fearless and continue to prepare for this trip. Thank-you for reading and please don't hesitate to leave a comment.


  1. Live as though everything that happens next has to be imagined first. Then, imagine only good and wonderful things!
